Civil society covenant framework (DCMS)

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December 2024
Muslim Women's Network UK have submitted written evidence to the Department for Culture, Media and Sports Civil Society Covenant framework. The DCSM highlighted the need for civil society engagement based on four principles: Recognition, Partnership, Participation and transparency. Some of the key insights shared by MWNUK include:
  • A critical enabler is having the right resources—both financial and human—which allow for the meaningful contribution of all partners.
  • The marginalisation of smaller specialist ‘by and for’ led minority ethnic women’s groups has been the funding model favouring larger organisations
  • Both the government and civil society must be equally dedicated to ensuring the framework leads to tangible outcomes. This includes long-term, sustainable funding for smaller charities, which have been particularly vulnerable due to ongoing cuts in public sector budgets
  • Targeted grants for innovation, similar to those for businesses, should be made available to the voluntary sector.
  • Mentorship and capacity-building support can help smaller charities scale their innovative ideas.

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