What Does My Political Future Look Like? For Black, Asian and Ethnic Minority Women
What Does My Political Future Look Like? For Black, Asian and Ethnic Minority Women
A huge thanks to Councillors Jackie Taylor and Soriya Siddique for co-facilitating the session and to our guest speaker Councillor Shahin Ashraf! Shahin discussed her political journey as a Muslim woman and stated her reason for being in politics is to, ‘represent all people who have an injustice in this space’.⠀
What Does My Political Future Look Like? For Black, Asian and Ethnic Minority Women
BAME* Women in Politics: How Do I Get Started?
April 2021
Equal Power– Your Next Civic Role? Take on a Board Role

Equal Power– Your Next Civic Role? Become a Magistrate in England and Wales
September 2020

Equal Power– Calling all BAME Women: Explore Your Political Pathway

Equal Power– Candid Conversations: On being a MP and a woman and BAME
July 2020

Equal Power - Candid Conversations: On being a Local Councillor, a Woman, BAME and Muslim

Equal Power– BAME Women Overcoming Barriers in Civic & Political Roles Workshop

FGM Awareness Raising in Birmingham schools
February 2020

Equal Power Workshops
Mental Health Awarness Raising Workshop
November 2019
In November 2019, our board member, Dr Iram Sattar, delivered a workshop to attendees from the Idara-e-Jaaferiya mosque in Tooting. Unfortunately, due to Covid-19 we have had to put training within the communities on hold and due to the nature of these particular workshops and the target audience, these cannot be held through online means.
Mental Health Awarness Raising Workshop
July 2019
In July 2019, our board member, Dr Iram Sattar, delivered a workshop to attendees from the Eritrean Muslim Community Association in London. The aim of the Mental Health Workshops is to change attitudes towards mental health illness in the Muslim community
Mental Health Awarness Raising Workshop
December 2018
Mental Health Awarness Raising Workshop
May 2018
Doing Politics and Changing Society Workshops

FGM Awareness Raising in Birmingham schools
June 2015 to March 2018
MWNUK was a delivery partner for FORWARD (through a Dept of Education grant) to raise awareness of FGM to pupils (boys and girls) in schools. This included what it is, statistics, consequences, spotting the signs, excuses used by families to justify it, the law and how and where to get help including the importance of disclosing and sharing concerns. Workshops were also delivered to teachers as well as men and women in the community. This awareness raising led to an FGM event in partnership with one of the local schools (St. Albans Ark Academy). We delivered workshops in 12 schools and engaged with over 2000 pupils, teachers and people from FGM practicing communities.

Forced Marriage and FGM Awareness Raising in Schools
January 2015
As part of MWNUK's ongoing commitment to raising awareness of issues affecting Muslim women in schools, these training sessions took place: On the 13 January, Project Managers Shahin Ashraf and Nadia Ilyas delivered workshops on Female Genital Mutilation and Forced Marriage with years 7/8 and year 11s at an Independent Girl's School in Birmingham. On the 16 January, Shahin Ashraf conducted an advocacy workshop to help capacity build Year 11 FGM Champions at St. Albans Academy in Birmingham. The group's 1st task was to launch a school wide competition to design a logo for the upcoming 'Summit on FGM' event.

Violence Against Women and Girls - Birmingham
November 2014 to March 2015
As part of MWNUK's ongoing awareness raising on
issues affecting Muslim women, MWNUK have delivered a number of workshops in partnership with Small Heath Community Forum in Birmingham. Topics includes domestic violence, forced marriage, honour based violence, child sexual exploitation and child sexual abuse in the family environment. These are being delivered to women's groups, colleges and schools etc. A ground breaking workshop was also delivered to black cab taxi drivers in Birmingham on the
issue of CSE and grooming, and how taxi drivers
can play a part in tackling the issue.

FGM Awareness Raising to School Staff
September 2014
National Coordinator Shahin Ashraf delivered training on the issue of Female Genital Mutilation to staff at St. Albans Academy,
Birmingham . Training included; defining FGM, statutory guidelines, recognising the signs of abuse, process of disclosure etc.

FGM Awareness Raising in Schools
July 2014
MWNUK Chair, Shaista Gohir delivered a workshop to year 7 girls ( 11 to 12 year olds ) at a secondary school in Birmingham, on female genital mutilation (FGM) . The presentation was modified to suit this age group. The discussion covered: different types; affects of FGM; prevalence; myth busting; what the law and faiths say; how to raise concerns.
Civic Participation
July 2014
MWNUK Chair, Shaista Gohir delivered a workshop to year 10s ( 14 to 15 year olds ) at a secondary school in Birmingham. Girls were informed about different types civic participation such as voting; engaging with decision making and getting involved in various types of voluntary roles. The girls also discussed what makes a good role model and who their roles models were.

Mental Health Awarness Raising Workshop
October 2013
In October 2013, our board member, Dr Iram Sattar, held a mental health workshop in London for the Inclusive Mosque Initiative. The event was a success and feedback included gaining knowledge about the different types of mental health issues, the symptoms, stigma, treatment, and how to seek help. The session also touched upon 'jinn' possession.
Campaigning and Advocacy
August 2013
A campaigning and Advocacy workshop was delivered by MWNUK Chair Shaista Gohir at the National Feminista Conference in August 2013.

Amplifying Youth Voices Workshop
May 2013
On the 29th May 2013, MWNUK held a workshop aimed at young activists. Issues covered included awareness raising presentations and videos on domestic violence, sexual violence and forced marriage. The session also included advice on how to campaign and share information.

Safeguarding Muslim Children
March 2011
MWNUK are a member of the NSPCC National Muslim
Advisory Group that meet to provide input on safeguarding Muslim children. We were involved in helping shape the first national NSPCC conference on Safeguarding of Muslim children which was held in London on 17th March 2011and aimed at front line professionals working with Muslim communities. Shaista Gohir, Executive Director of MWNUK facilitated the workshop on 'cultural practices that can amount to child abuse.' We are continuing with our partnership working with the NSPCC and now exploring ways of raising awareness amongst Muslim communities of child sexual abuse.
Understanding Parliament
May 2011
In partnership with Parliamentary Outreach and the University of Warwick (and in part sponsored by Economic Social Research Council), a national workshop was held to help Muslim women to understand how parliament works and how they can influence decision making.
You can view photos from the workshop here.