MWN Helpline Evaluation 2015

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April 2016
Muslim Women's Network UK set up a national faith and culturally sensitive service in January 2015 on a part time basis (3 morning / a week). Although the hours have been extended since, the first one year of the helpline (Jan-Dec 2015) was evaluated. The report contains case studies on a range of issues but some key findings included:

  • We received 814 contacts (phone, email, texts etc) and there were 335    beneficiaries
  • We were contacted about 39 different issues
  • Half of the callers also had a second underlying issue in addition to the primary reason for calling helpline
  • 15% of the callers were experiencing three issues for which they needed help and advice.
  • In almost 7% of calls another language had to be used
  • Although calls were received from over 60s and under 18s most callers were in their 20s, 30s and 40s
  • The ethnic background of the callers varied but almost half were of Pakistani background
  • The callers were from across the country but one third were from the West Midlands
  • Men also called the helpline

The report can be downloaded above.


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